Enrollment Policies
Course schedules are published on a quarterly cycle. To view a listing of our courses, available dates, and to submit a request for enrollments, please visit Browse Courses
Enrollment Policy
Class enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Enrollment requests are processed within one-business day. Class enrollment is closed one-business day prior to the class date.
To ensure each class has an adequate quantity of participants to support the planned training activities, a minimum and maximum capacity limit is set. In the event that the minimum capacity level falls below the standard limit, the class may be subject to cancellation.
Attendance Policy
Training begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Participants who arrive late will be rescheduled to the next available training.
Participants are expected to arrive on time and stay the full duration to receive course completion credit.
Cancellation Policy
Please notify us of a cancellation or schedule change in advance of the training class date. We prepare for each enrolled participant and appreciate being notified if someone is unable to attend as scheduled.